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Ryan Niblock: the unsatisfied

Meet the aspiring creative director who did not realize he wanted to be a creative director at all.

Adjusting his hat and clearing his throat, Ryan Niblock prepared himself to answer the big question: What made you want to pursue your major?

"I loved to write in high school. So I said, 'I’ll put multimedia journalism for now since it sounds kinda cool and I’ll just change it later on.' I didn’t realize I would be slotted into the school," Niblock said.

With sophomore year ending, Niblock shifted his goals. Gone are the interests of working in the journalism world. Instead Niblock broadened his scope while still retaining his love for his major.

"It’s just the lifestyle. I don’t wanna live my life constantly waiting for the next story," Niblock said. "I’d rather do something more profound and that might just be me being young and ambitious, but I might as well try."

Photo: Ricky Lam

Focusing more on the multimedia aspects of his education, Niblock has his eyes set on becoming a creative director for advertising agencies.

Even though his passion for writing dwindled, the reason why he joined the communication field remained the same: to share stories.

"I like the aspect of storytelling. I’m pretty creative and I like building things. I wouldn’t say I’m an architecture major; I can’t draw or anything but I can make videos," Niblock said.

Lighting up when asked about his work, Niblock enthusiastically explained his recent endeavors such as collaborating with Lewis Media Partners and creating content for Virginia Tech's Class of 2019 with ring design and the leadership team. Despite it being a new medium that he dived into, he hopes to improve on his video skills.

"For organizations and with my friends, I just try to take a lot of videos and practice stuff," Niblock said. "Even if I don’t put it out on the Internet, I can just practice my different skills and get used to doing different layouts."

While he learned different forms of multimedia in his major and has gotten a taste of the advertising field, Niblock believes he has not reached his fullest potential.

"I’m that person who is never quite satisfied; I’m not there and I have a lot to learn," Niblock said. "I think I’m in the right spot; I just got to make sure I make the most of it and keep going."

Niblock still continues to push himself, optimistic and hopeful that he finally found the perfect fit.

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